Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Creative assignment: Create a video or audio segment to be used in a commercial for the Know For Yourself DVD.

Step 1: Plan your entry

The theme of this project is "Who Are You Going to Buy It For?". In your video or audio clip, you will be talking about who you plan to buy the video for. (See Content Requirements for details.)

1) Take a minute to learn about the product: 2) Imagine someone you know who would benefit from owning a DVD like that.

You are more likely come across as sincere (see below) if you think about a real person you really know:
  • Maybe you know someone who has big dreams, but lacks the self confidence to really take a stab at them?
  • Or maybe you know someone who is surrounded by naysayers—friends and family that hound them to stay safe and stay small.
  • Maybe you work with a group of at-risk youth who need guidance to really make something of themselves?
  • Or maybe you know someone in a mid-life crisis who is looking for a sense of purpose and direction.
  • Who would you buy it for?
If you can't think of anyone, don't worry. Just make up an imaginary person and plan your entry around them.

Step 2: Record Your Entry

Following the content guidelines and conditions of entry found on this website, record your video segment using:
  • a camcorder
  • webcam
  • smart phone
  • or any other video recording device capable of sending files in the required format.
If sending an audio only entry, record it using your computer, phone, or any digital recording device capable of sending files in the required format. You may also record your audio entry on our casting hotline (coming soon!)

IMPORTANT: We are looking for a natural, sincere tone. Mood can be serious or playful. Show any range of emotion--happy, funny, compassionate. The most important thing is to sound sincere. You are not a spokesperson--you are a real, everyday joe, who is going to buy the DVD for someone you care about.

Step 3: Submit Your Entry

Click the red "ENTER NOW" button found on this website, complete the entry form, and attach your audio or video file.

Once you click the "Submit" button, you should see a "Thank You" page on your internet browser. This Thank You page confirms that your entry has been received and submitted into a review process. You will also receive an email at the address you provided confirming receipt.

Your entry will be reviewed to ensure that it complies with these Official Rules. Please note that at this point your submission is undergoing review, and is not yet considered a valid entry.

Once your entry is reviewed, you will receive a Confirmation Email at the email address you supplied on the registration form. If your recording complies with all Official Rules, the Confirmation Email will state that your Submission has been accepted as an Approved Entry, eligible for the random drawing as described on this website and eligible for inclusion in a final product (commercial).

If your recording is not accepted as an Approved Entry, the Confirmation Email will detail the reasons why it was declined.

Submissions that do not include all required information and do not adhere to the published requirements will be considered void and will not be considered.

Each individual is allowed a maximum of three (3) Approved Entries per category (audio only and video). An Approved Entry is defined as a one that has been registered on the website through the process above and has received a corresponding Confirmation Email stating that the recording has been accepted into the Contest. The same recording may not be registered more than once.

About "Know for Yourself" Content Requirements

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